Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear Experienced Mothers, I appreciate your advice, but...


First off, I want to say I am typing this in a loving manner.  Being a new mother, there is  A LOT to learn!  And I will gladly take loving advice.  But please do not give me the evil stare because you do not agree with something I do, or do not be hateful when giving me advice, thinking it is the only thing that works.  Have you thought I may have already tried that?  Have you thought maybe that worked great for your child, but not mine?  Could you please give your advice in a loving manner?  Could you please be encourage me, instead of belittling me?

I think we as women have to be careful of this in every part of our life (me included!).  Let's stop judging and start loving and encouraging.

With that being said, seriously, I will take all the advice I can get.  Just please in a loving manner, not a judgmental one. :)


  1. Gosh, I know this is so hard. Hard to take and hard to avoid doing to other moms. I'm mellowing a lot as Jude gets older-- I used to be very judgmental toward friends who did things differently than I did-- but I still struggle occasionally with it.

    I think, in general, we each put so much effort into figuring out how we want to do things, so we become very convinced that what we are doing is best, and then it's hard not to see what others are doing as wrong, or at least second best. Not that that makes it okay to judge others, just saying that's why I think we tend to do it.

    1. I totally agree. I was telling Jonathan that I think we as women and mothers become so protective and try so hard to make sure we do everything "right and perfect" for our families and children and when it works we think it is the best option out there, for everyone. Even though it may not be what works for the family next door or my best friend's family.
