Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lessons from Sweet A

It is so true that they grow up too fast!  I can't believe our sweet baby A is now sweet toddler A with a sassy little attitude and lots of spunk! With sweet A about to be 2 this summer, I have been reflecting on what I have learned since becoming a mom.  Sweet A has taught me so many lessons and I feel like even though I am the one that is suppose to be teaching her the ways of the world, God is using her to teach me so many things.  Here are just a couple of things that motherhood has taught me.

1. You can function with very little sleep (even though it may not seem like it).  I am so glad sweet A taught me this lesson! This lesson is coming in very handy for youth ministry!

2. I have more strength and courage than I ever thought I could have.

3. I am learning that my mom and dad are a lot smarter than I thought they were! (If y'all are reading...please take this as a compliment!)

4. Getting ready to go anywhere and be on time is a huge accomplishment!

5. A hot shower, alone, with no small toddler pulling the curtain or throwing things across the bathroom is almost as glorious as a spa retreat!

6. Nothing is better than a hug and "I love you".

7.  Motherhood is not a joke.  It is tough, exhausting and most rewarding!

8. I have learned no book, other mom, blog or anything or anyone else knows my child better than I know her. Listen to my gut.

9.  Be a mom, not a friend.  This one is so hard, because I want Annie to love me and like me.  But I am called to be her mother. Not her friend.

10. God loves me...SO MUCH! This has just been a constant reminder as I look at how much I love sweet A.  God loves me so much more!

Happy Tuesday! I am going to love on a spunky little girl who woke up WAY too early form her nap!

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