Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tough Decisions

As I mentioned in a previous post...Mr J and I had some big decisions that we would be making. Before precious baby a came along I had dreams and aspirations to climb to the top in the corporate world. I had a great job at a bank. I loved what I did, I loved everyone I worked with and I could not imagine doing anything else. But then baby a came along and turned my life upside down. The thought of leaving her at daycare made me sick. The thought of someone else seeing her roll over, speak her first words, take her first steps before I did made me cry. My dreams of climbing the corporate ladder dissolved and my only dreams and aspirations now were to become a stay at home mom. Mr. J and I knew that we could not do it on his income alone. But...God has started revealing his plan for us. He has provided in ways that we could never imagine. And as of today I will be a stay at home mom. I have very mixed emotions at the moment. I am beyond excited to be the one raising my daughter. I am the one who can see her roll over the first time, hear her speak those first words, and see her take her first steps. But at the same time I worked with the greatest people in the world, loved my job and will miss it. But I also know this is the right decision. God has made that very evident in our lives. God is is is downright Amazing! This week he has taught me that when I truly rely on Him and not myself, He makes himself known. He makes His will known. Why do I try to do things on my own?!?!?! Haven't I learned my lesson!?!?!

Now I need to go love on my sweet baby girl. We had more shots today! :(

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