Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Life has been crazy the past couple of months.  I am not sure what it has been crazy with...I just can tell you it has been crazy! Mr. J has taken on a huge project at work and that has left little extra time for me to sit in front of a computer other than when sweet baby A is napping and that is normally when I do my quiet time. When Mr. J gets home and little A is down, all I want to do is spend time with him (all 30 minutes of it before we head to bed) So therefore, my blogging has been lacking (that is an understatement!).

Speaking of quiet time, I have been following along with SheReadsTruth. I would highly recommend it if you are needing a devotional/study to follow along with. We start a new one tomorrow so it would be a great time to start!  I tried to add the little picture/link thing, but obviously I need to brush up on my html skills.  So...check it out here: SheReadsTruth

Sweet baby A is about to turn one! I can't believe it!  In less than a month we will have a sweet 1 year old running around!  On one hand it seems like just yesterday we were headed to the hospital for her arrival and on the other hand, it seems like she has been with us for ever!  We are planning for her party and excited for her "Tweet to be 1" party.

Mr. J and I both got to celebrate our first mother's and father's day this year.  Mr. J made sure to make mother's day extra special and Sweet A and I tried to make sure and do that for dad.  Below is a sample of what we did for Mr. J.  I wish I had a picture of the actual picture frame and pictures, but it is already proudly displayed in his office! :)

I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday!  The weekend is almost here! :) 

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